The idea of a Living Portraits series came from wanting to see the My Mirror series move while set to music. I used many of the same ingredients in both collections in order to connect the two more closely. However, one big difference is that each of the Living Portraits centers around an individual as the focal point. I thought it was important to connect a person to the audience in an attempt to ground the more abstract elements, as well as for a sense of scale. The result is a kind of story for each character featured. Each of these portraits was shot as a single take, with all elements happening in front of the camera. Part of the challenge of each one was finding a way to construct what is seen live so that no manipulation is needed for the final image.
Harmony, Acrylic, Pencil Crayon, Wood, Glass, Smoke, Alphabet, Books, Resin, Cloth, Butterflies on Video
Julian, Shannon, Leaves, Smoke, Wire, Frame, Cubes, Glass, Wing, Paper on Video
Harmony, Paper, Fabric, Glass, Lock, Teeth, Crews, Alphabet, String, Wire, Smoke, Hand on Video
Stacey, Jenna, Acrylic, Wood, Glass, Cloth, Stone, Frame, Bone, Smoke, Scissors, Fingers, Hand, Magnets, Alphabet, Mirror, Plastic, Wire, Flower on Video
Daniel, Shelf, Books, Cloth, Resin, Lens, Nails, Violin, Bust, Fruit, Razors, Paper, Smoke on Video
Kong, Dry Ice, Trees, Glass, Paper, Pyramid, Hands, Light on Video
Eleonora, Acrylic, Glass, Fur, Paper, Tape, Snow, Wood, Spheres, Alphabet, Razors, Cube, Magnets on Video